Gentlemen’s Race To 9a
Climbing Becca Cahall Climbing Becca Cahall

Gentlemen’s Race To 9a

Sometimes we all need healthy competition. Last summer Alex, Tommy Caldwell, and Sonnie Trotter hatched a plan – each would attempt to climb 9a in the coming year. Climbing at your limit demands attention and accountability, something each was struggling with on their own. Together, the goal seemed a little more probable.

Image: James Lucas

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Put Me In Coach
Climbing Becca Cahall Climbing Becca Cahall

Put Me In Coach

When Kris Hampton launched the Power Company, training for climbing was in an awkward adolescence. Research and tactics were woefully behind adjacent sports like gymnastics. We dive into the evolution of training, the difference between a coach and a trainer, and how close we are to the limits of human possibility.

Image: John Wesely

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